lo Squaderno no. 58 | Aflame

lo Squaderno no. 58 – March 2021 | Aflame

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by //  Alberto Brodesco and Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Vagrant Holiday

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. David Garrioch, Fire in premodern European cities
  3. Cathy Lisa Schneider, By nightfall, the city was in flames
  4. Lara Sartorio Gonçalves & Simone da Silva Ribeiro Gomes, From sparks to fire: the permanent aesthetics in Latin-American protests
  5. Oleg Koefoed, Fungal Fire. A brief account of certain mycohumanoid events
  6. Leonie Tuitjer & Elena Hubner, #Bushfiresaustralia: Instagramming climate futures
  7. Federico Camerin, The 2017 Grenfell Tower fire as a mirror of London’s search for profit
  8. Alberto Brodesco, How to watch a riot

lo Squaderno no. 57 | Fear the city

lo Squaderno no. 57 – November 2020 | Fear the city

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Elisabetta Risi, Riccardo Pronzato & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Tommaso Vaccarezza

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Yana Bagina, Being on the alert: how people experience everyday fear in the city
  3. Jelena Božilović, Gender and the City: Safety in Urban Spaces
  4. Elisabetta Risi & Riccardo Pronzato, Nuances, boundaries and subjects of the fear in the city. Women’s experiences in Milan
  5. Anna Yates, Female fear and residential segregation in Husby, Stockholm
  6. Chiara Belingardi, Giada Bonu, Federica Castelli & Serena Olcuire, Trasformare la paura. Pratiche di resistenza femminista, emozioni e spazio urbano
  7. Massimiliano Raffa, Haphephobia and Urban Creativity. The ‘Frightful’ Case of Western Popular Music
  8. Alessandra Micalizzi & Eugenia Siapera, View from my window: social fear, Covid-19 and the power of a shared urban #POV
  9. Emiliana Armano, Tatiana Mazali & Maurizio Teli, The “Pandemic City”. Ipotesi interpretative per un’inchiesta sulla dualità dello spazio urbano
  10. Asma Mehan, The City as the (Anti)Structure Fearscapes, social movement, and protest square
  11. Caio Teixeira, The Fearless Street Protests
  12. Leonie Tuitjer & Quentin Batréau, Urban Fears, Urban Refuge. Exploring asylum seeker’s fear in Bangkok
  13. Ana Ivasiuc, ‘This is Not the Bronx’: The Ambivalent Contestation of Urban Imaginaries of Fear

lo Squaderno no. 56 | Urban Recipes

lo Squaderno no. 56 – July 2020 | Urban Recipes

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Jaspar Joseph-Lester and Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Sharon Kivland

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Sean Ashton, Waiters
  3. Ben Hope, In The Twilight Café
  4. Anke Schwarz, The essential vat: Geographies of food in Science Fiction
  5. The Center for Genomic Gastronomy & CoClimate, Smog Tasting. Recipes, Methods & Locations
  6. Andrea Cetrulo, John Bingham-Hall & Elahe Karimnia, The sensorial as infrastructure. Making pandebono
  7. Patrícia Branco & Richard Mohr, A gastrogeography of mobility. Urban reorientation through food
  8. Pil and Galia Kollectiv, No Strangers to a Fish Supper
  9. Nora Silva, A Silk Glove for a Burnt Hand, or, a recipe for urban eating
  10. Viola Mari & Maria Vasile, From recipe to collective improvisation. An ethnographic vignette about food assistance in Barriera di Milano, Turin
  11. Foodification Democracy, Foodification Post-Covid. Un crono-racconto per menù
  12. Anaïs Hazo, Sock-cheese
  13. Victoria Brooks, A recipe for shocking the urban body

lo Squaderno no. 55 | After Temporary

lo Squaderno no. 55 – March 2020 | After Temporary

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Alessia de Biase & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Gwen Rouvillois

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Luca Gullì and Ambra Migliorisi, Promises and Uncertainties of Temporary Uses in Emilia-Romagna
  3. Bárbara Brena Rocha dos Santos and Rafaela Lino Izeli, Disputes and Conflicts about Tactical Urban Planning: the implantation of Paulista Aberta and parklets in São Paulo
  4. Quentin Stevens, Pop-ups in Perth: the potentials and problems of Temporary Urbanism
  5. Valentina Bonello e Claudia Faraone, Una temporaneità stabile: l’inclusione degli usi temporanei nei progetti di trasformazione urbana a Bruxelles
  6. Juliette Charron, Que construit l’urbanisme temporaire dans le réaménagement d’une place?
  7. Mara Ferreri, The Entanglements of Temporary Urbanism: for a critical, longitudinal approach

lo Squaderno no. 54 | Tagging

lo Squaderno no. 54 – December 2019 | Tagging

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Javier Abarca, Orestis Pangalos & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // DADO

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Lachlan MacDowall, Ramo? Meet Ahab: Beat Street and the Migaloo Boogaloo
  3. Vittorio Parisi, Haunting the neoliberal city: Illegal graffiti and the “infesthetics” of urban interstices
  4. Lisa Garcia, Urban tags: Calligraphy and cacography
  5. Julian Windisch, Province poetry – Praise of the rural tag
  6. Charles Nolan Vanlinden, Atlanta Style: Mapping the Local in the Digital Age
  7. Konstantinos Avramidis, Tagging a WWII detention centre in Athens: Drawing biographies on/of the walls
  8. Peter Bengtsen, Exploring tags through videography
  9. Dina Yunis, The Protestor’s Weapon: The Beirut Tag