lo Squaderno no. 68 | Loop

lo Squaderno no. 68 – July 2024 | Loop

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Nicolò Molinari and Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Stephen Loewinsohn

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Amedeo Policante, Cybergenetics. Life in the Control Loop
  3. Mattia Galeotti, Note su circuiti algoritmici e produzione di informazione
  4. Giulia Giorgi, Alessandro Gerosa, The ‘loop of loops’. The Recursive Dynamics of Videos on Social Media
  5. Luca Bertocci, “La tua domanda è troppo grande”. Come lasciare l’elefante nella stanza e non entrare in loop durante il dottorato
  6. Michele Garau, Rivolte contemporanee come agire destituente
  7. Arturo Castillon, Why We Riot. Ethical Loops in the George Floyd Uprising
  8. Mario Marasco, Looping strategies. Moral slippages between the certain and the uncertain in a Roman temporary housing area
  9. Matthew Archer, Strange loops and circular economies
  10. Lorenzo Tripodi, Loops of Change
  11. Erik Bordeleau, The Visual Logic of the Swirl. Or, How the Shape of an Economy is Recursive

lo Squaderno no. 67 | Interstices, Liminality and Boundaries

lo Squaderno no. 67 – March 2024 | Interstices, Liminality and Boundaries

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Teresa García Alcaraz, Cristian Silva & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite //Marco Dalbosco

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Cristian Silva, An Interview with Matthew Gandy
  3. Juan Manuel Del Castillo Cáceres, Arturo Vásquez Escobar, Interstitial prehispanic landscapes. Ancestral knowledge and community action in San Juan De Lurigancho
  4. Keith McAllister and Colm Donnelly, Reading the (in)-between-(in) the Borderlands of North-West Ulster: Brian McGilloway as Literary Detective & Guide
  5. David Coyles, Ambiguities of Segregation and Spatial Reconciliation: Reflections from Belfast
  6. Stefano Mastromarino and Camillo Boano, Inhabiting through interstitial opacity. Protective negotiations of suspended existence across Paris’ liminalities
  7. Cristian Silva, Interstitial constellations and their evocative emptiness
  8. Cameron McEwan, Peripheral Imaginary: Towards an Architecture of the Periphery
  9. Alejandra Fernández and Petr Vašát, The ecology of surface: Within and beyond communities in transformation through macro-paintings
  10. Christien Klaufus, Interstices between polis and necropolis

lo Squaderno no. 66 | Glossy Urban Dystopias

lo Squaderno no. 66 – November 2023 | Glossy Urban Dystopias

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Penny Koutrolikou & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite //urbanAC

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Vicente Brêtas, Resuscitating downtown? rhetorical strategies and racial exclusion in Rio de Janeiro’s central area
  3. Francesco Amoruso, Dystopian Present-Futures: On the Unmaking and Making of Urban Palestine
  4. Eleonora Nicoletti, Dystopian Transition?
  5. Ifigeneia Dimitrakou & Julie Ren, Boring dystopias in fictional geographies: affective atmospheres of enclosure
  6. Luis Martin Sanchez, Metaverse Cities. Deconstructing a glossy urban dystopia
  7. Scott W. Schwartz, Decolonize this Dystopia! Wealth Pollution on the Hudson River
  8. Penny Koutrolikou & Cristina Mattiucci, The lens of the Glossy Urban Dystopia

lo Squaderno no. 65 | Care and Critical Action

lo Squaderno no. 65 – July 2023 | Care and Critical Action

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Cameron McEwan, Nadia Bertolino & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Patrizio Martinelli

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Lorens Holm, My neighbour, the subject of civilisation
  3. Nathanael Nelson, Deconstructing Hospitality. Postcolonial Care in the Built Environment
  4. Andrew Copolov, The urban staffroom. Imagining infrastructures of care and solidarity in Melbourne
  5. Ceara O’Leary, Community Hubs as Networks of Care
  6. Jiayi Jin & Yuxin Wu, Careful Careless. A System to Restore Ecological Systems in Cities
  7. Lee Ivett & Ecaterina Stefanescu, To Make is to Care
  8. Jonathan Orlek, Claire McAndrew, Cristina Cerulli, Mara Ferreri, Marianna Cavada & Eleanor Ratcliffe, For a relational understanding of care in critical urban action
  9. Sofia Rivera, The caregivers’ strike: a tale of violence and care in the entrails of San Salvador
  10. Carolina Correia dos Santos & Iazana Guizzo, Paths of banana trees: passages of care between unequal worlds
  11. Mathilde Redouté, Accurate commoning: between primitive and new enclosures
  12. Huda Tayob, Archival Care
  13. Cameron McEwan & Nadia Bertolino, Afterword

lo Squaderno no. 64 | Ghosts [Phantasmagorias]

lo Squaderno no. 64 – March 2023 | Ghosts [Phantasmagorias]

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Alberto Vanolo & Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // VV.AA.

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Alberto Duman, Whiteness, Reloaded. Addressing the ghosts in reverse of the cities yet to exist
  3. Jamie-Scott Baxter, Dis/continuing in/justices-to-come in ‘ghost town’ Nava Raipur India
  4. Günter Gassner, Avenue of atrocities: modern phantasmagorias and the anti-modern
  5. Catherine Oliver and Liam Bates, Paradise 2.0: John Madin is haunting Birmingham
  6. Giuseppe Tomasella, Fantasmi presenti di un futuro narrato: Venezia in “La seconda mezzanotte” di Antonio Scurati
  7. Lacin Tutalar, Absent-present in Istanbul: The band that lost its stage, and the animal that lost its environment
  8. Gloria Toma, Riabitare i luoghi fantasma. Ripopolare i paesi passo dopo passo, verso dopo verso
  9. Stefano Tornieri, Roberto Zancan, Because the night. An archaeology of the image of modern phantasmagoria
  10. Salvatore Poier, Victor Navarro’s Ghost
  11. Jean-Paul Thibaud, Under the spell of Tokyo