lo Squaderno no. 52 | Overflow

lo Squaderno no. 52 – June 2019  | Overflow

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Andrea Pavoni & Alex Wafer
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Doung Johangeer

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. May Joseph, Kerala Deluge: Archipelagic Knowing
  3. Laura Lo Presti, Hydro-idiocy. Bringing the aquatic ‘unthought’ into the dried landscape of Palermo
  4. Mary Gearey, Fluid logic. The effluence and the affluence behind urban water efficiency paradigms
  5. Alessandro Gerosa, Alcohol and the city: the logistics of alcoholic flows in urban transformations
  6. Holly Randell-Moon, Frigid flows. Containment and excess in the sociospatial production of studentification in Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand
  7. Elena Caccin & Fabio Bertoni, Pfand and bottles: drinking patterns in the city
  8. Sarah Marusek, Coffee and the Queue. Linear Normativity and Vehicular Flow of the American Drive-Thru
  9. Vincent Van Uffelen & Rocio von Jungenfeld, Fluid Design
  10. Alex Wafer & Andrea Pavoni, Liquidscapes of the City

lo Squaderno no. 51 | Logistical Territories

lo Squaderno no. 51 – March 2019  | Logistical Territories

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Into the Black Box & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel | tracingspaces.net

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Yair Rubinstein, Platform Economies and the Logistics of Urban Space: The Case of Deliveroo and its East London “Dark Kitchens”
  3. Michael Zinganel, Rhythms of Post-Urbanity: Road-Corridors, Nodes, and Networked Archipelagos
  4. Alberto Valz Gris, Tangling a bi-oceanic corridor
  5. Nancy Couling and Carola Hein, Energy Logistics of the North Sea: A crowded industrial void
  6. Alban Mannisi, Weed Have Never Been Post-Modern. Note from the logistic oriented Australian planning
  7. Jonathan Silver and Alan Wiig, Turbulence, territory and global infrastructure in a new world (dis)order
  8. Alessandro Peregalli, Zone e corridoi logistici in America Latina
  9. Andrea Bottalico, Note sulla logistica portuale e i luoghi di transito delle merci
  10. Matthew Hockenberry, The Place of All Things: Shenzhen as Oriental Bazaar
  11. Guillermo León Gómez, Reflecting on Counterlogistics in Panama
  12. Evelina Gambino, Beyond seamlessness: The making and unmaking of a logistical territory
  13. Nicolas Raimbault, Multiplication of logistics parks and invisibilisation of blue-collar workplaces in post-industrial metropolises
  14. Emiliana Armano, Daniela Leonardi e  Annalisa Murgia, Piattaforme digitali e territori di resistenza alla precarietà. Un’inchiesta sulla contro-connettività  dei riders di Foodora

lo Squaderno no. 50 | Utopia and Measure

lo Squaderno no. 50 – December 2018  | Utopia and Measure

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Fredrik Torisson & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Lorenzo Casali

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Sophia Banou, Picture Perfect: Maps and other measures of the contemporary city
  3. Jean-Clet Martin, L’Utopie / Utopia
  4. Caterina Nirta, On Time As The Value Of Utopia
  5. Karl Palmås, Volvo Moments
  6. Rodrigo Delso, Real Timetopias
  7. Alessandro Castelli, L’utopia è misura / Utopia is measure
  8. Fredrik Torisson, The Utopian Mystique of Neoliberal Architecture
  9. Andrea Mubi Brighenti, Utopia without plans. On Deligny, autistic children, and living spots

lo Squaderno no. 49 | Art Performing Places

lo Squaderno no. 49 – September 2018  | Art Performing Places

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Gloria Bovio & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Anton Mirto

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Gloria Bovio, Il pubblico partecipante protagonista dello spazio
  3. Silvia Mazzucotelli Salice, Participation Matters. Forms of Activism in Public Art
  4. Gloria Pessina, Osservare la città da una camera-car: l’esperienza di Strasse a Milano
  5. Ricciarda Belgiojoso, Arte pubblica e spazio urbano
  6. Annalisa Metta, People Bodies and Behaviors Activating Open Spaces. Fanoi, a One-night Fire Garden
  7. Piergiorgio Caserini, Presences As Places. Performance and cities as processes of taking place
  8. Ana Vilenica, (Out)Performing Anti-Social(ist) Urban Transition

lo Squaderno no. 48 | Surfaces & Materials

lo Squaderno no. 48 – June 2018  | Surfaces & Materials

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // picpoet

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Sabina Andron, To Occupy, to Inscribe, to Thicken: Spatial Politics and the Right to the Surface
  3. Cameron McEwan, Linguistic Surface: The City is the Locus of the Multitude
  4. AbdouMaliq Simone, The Spiral: Surfacing the city
  5. Harshavardhan Bhat, Over skies of extraction
  6. Maria Theodorou, The Materials’ Catch: Dream-Thinking for Architects
  7. Jan Hogan, Surfacing
  8. Olivier Gaudin, All that glitters is not gold. The surfaces of early Chicago’s landscape
  9. Narciss M. Sohrabi, A City-wide Art Gallery Project. The Tehran billboards project between Artistic Promotion and Surface Presentation
  10. Antonio Giráldez López, Three in/visibilised surfaces outside CIEs: Shaping matter through minor architectural tactics
  11. Melody Woodnutt, The poetics of experimental ice bridges
  12. Victoria Brooks, Under the fucking skin: a whore and her hotel room door
  13. B.A. Zanditon, Taking rubbings. An exploration of surface texture at The Southbank Festival Wing, London 2013-2018