lo Squaderno no. 44 | Deportations

lo Squaderno no. 44 – June 2017  | Deportations, Bans & Expulsions

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Andreas Oberprantacher & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Stregoni – a project by Johnny Mox & Above the Tree

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Nicholas De Genova, The Autonomy of Deportation
  3. Judith Welz, Deportabilities. An essay on the complexity of a social condition
  4. Alexandra Délano Alonso, Revisiting the Concept of Sanctuary in an Era of Backlash, Deportations and Bans
  5. Martina Tazzioli, The expulsions of humanitarianism. The hampered channels of asylum in France
  6. Francesca Ansaloni, Multiple expulsions. Affective and material evictions in Calais
  7. Lars Breuls, Immigration policy communication in Belgium. Portraying forced removal as a means for crime control
  8. B Camminga, Catch and Release. Transgender Migrants and Opposite of Deportation in South Africa
  9. Alessandro De Giorgi, Note sul Neoliberismo Autoritario

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