lo Squaderno no. 33 | Crowded Spaces

lo Squaderno no. 33, September 2014 | Crowded Spaces

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Christian Borch & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présentée / artista ospite // Emma Ciceri

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editoriale / Editorial
  2. Stefan Jonsson, Dangerous, Chaotic and Unpleasant: Crowd Theory Today
  3. Lucy Finchett-Maddock, Law in Numbers – The Poiesis of the Crowd
  4. Federica Castelli, Bodies in the streets. Assembling, performing, making and taking the urban space
  5. Marco Cremaschi, Unmaking and remaking urban crowds
  6. Claudia Aradau & Tobias Blanke, The politics of digital crowds
  7. Alberto Brodesco, Spazi affollati, spazi incazzati. I commenti su YouTube a Salò di Pier Paolo Pasolini
  8. Andrea Mubi Brighenti, New media sociofugal spaces

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