lo Squaderno no. 30 | Commons – Practices, boundaries and thresholds

lo Squaderno no. 30, December 2013 | Commons – Practices, boundaries and thresholds

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Giacomo D’Alisa & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Andrea Sarti

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editoriale / Editorial
  2. Gustavo A. García-López, Explaining the success of the commons. A multidisciplinary perspective
  3. Jampel Dell’Angelo, Conflicts in the commons
  4. Ludger Gailing, Landscape is a commons!
  5. Roberto Dini, Montagna bene comune?
  6. Dan Moscovici, Capturing a Luxurious Commons through State Intervention
  7. Helene Finidori, Show me the action, and I will show you the commons!
  8. Leila Dawney, Commoning: the production of common worlds
  9. Marta Traquino, Diversity in a common space
  10. Paul Blokker, Commons, constitutions and critique
  11. Jeff Rose, “This place is about the struggle”. Producing the common through homelessness and biopolitical resistance in a public park
  12. Niccolò Cuppini, Sguardi critici sulla “natura” dei beni comuni
  13. Eleonora Guadagno, Dove la nostalgia diventa un bene comune

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