lo Squaderno no. 19 | Urban Knowledges / Savoirs urbains / Saperi urbani

lo Squaderno no. 19, March 2011 | Urban Knowledges / Savoirs urbains / Saperi urbani

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by //  Jérôme Denis, David Pontille and Andrea Mubi Brighenti

Guest artist / artist présenté / artista ospite //  Cyop&Kaf


  1. Editoriale / Editorial / Edito
  2. Dominique Boullier, Méthodes de tri des foules et des publics dans le parc humain lors des événements / Metodi di ordinamento delle folle e dei pubblici all’interno del parco umano in occasione degli eventi urbani
  3. Philippe Artières, Des Ecritures illicites. Le savoir des agents de la sureté sur l’écrit à Paris (1871-1900)
  4. Prashan Ranasinghe, Consumption, Public Disorder and the Politics of Knowing /  Consumo, disordine pubblico e politica del sapere
  5. William Kornblum & Kristen Lawler, Collecting and Connecting in New York’s Central Park
  6. Margarethe Kusenbach, Nearby, Well Known: The Parochial Realm of Neighborhoods
  7. Davide Ghiraldini, Copenyard: pratiche, soglie e conoscenze nei cortili di Copenhagen / Copenyards: practices, thresholds and knowledges in the courtyards of Copenhagen
  8. Céline Cholez, Au-delà du plan. La topologie urbaine des livreurs
  9. Michele Carpani & Lucia Fernandez, Il sapere urbano dei clasificadores
  10. Jérôme Denis & David Pontille, Describing the Cycling City. Map-makings of an elusive object / Décrire la ville cyclable. Cartographies d’un objet élusif
  11. Simone Ferracina, Cyber-Imageability
  12. Andrea Mubi Brighenti, Waking up and getting off
  13. David Beer, Urban knowledge through popular culture

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